Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
A special thank-you to our friends, clients, artisans, workrooms and gifted tradesmen that worked with us this year to accomplish meaningful and successfully completed projects throughout 2015! As we wrap up the year and think about engaging into new projects of 2016 we feel extremely blessed to have such a great team and wonderfully supportive clients. We appreciate you and thank-you in every capacity that you have been a part of Odyssey Interior Design.
Its been a remarkable year of growth with the introduction of Seems Like Yesterday and we appreciate your support with the endeavor of adding a beautiful and bountiful boutique of home goods and lovely personal items to the environment of our design studio.
Worth the visit if you haven’t seen us lately!
From all of us at Odyssey Interior Design, we wish you and your family the best of health, good times and great memories this Christmas with
good fortune and prosperity in the New Year!
All our best,
Athena, JR and Alyssa

we will be closed Dec 24,25,26
and will be closed Dec 31 and Jan 1